Errors in the use of Nouns
( လြဲမွားစြာ သံုးေလ့႐ွိေသာ နာမ္မ်ား)
( 1. ) ( a ) scenery, issue, hair, furniture,
machinery, fruit, foot, brick, fleet—
( b ) poor, rich, bread, work, news—
အခု ( a ) ( b ) မွာ ပါတ့ဲ Nouns ေတြကို အျမဲတမ္း
Singular form ( အနည္းကိန္း ပံုစံ ) နဲ႔ အသံုးျပဳရတယ္။
( -s, -es, -ies ) ေပါင္းၿပီး အမ်ားကိန္း မေျပာင္းရပါဘူး။
1. The sceneries of Inlay are very
charming. ( ❌ )
The scenery of Inlay is very
charming. (✔ )
2. U Kyin has no issues. ( ❌ )
U Kyin has no issue. ( ✔ )
3. She had gone to buy fruits. ( ❌ )
She had gone to buy fruit. ( ✔ )
4. What's the color of her hairs?. ( ❌ )
What's the color of her hair?( ✔ )
5. Daw Gyi feeds the poors. ( ❌ )
Daw Gyi feeds the poor. ( ✔ )
6. I told these news to my father. (❌ )
I told this news to my father. ( ✔ )
7. The fleet were destroyed by the enemy.
( ❌ )
The fleet was destroyed by the enemy.
( ✔ )
8. I have no more breads to give to the
beggars. ( ❌ )
I have no more bread to give to the
beggars. ( ✔ )
9. I'll go the town on feet. ( ❌ )
I'll go the town on foot. ( ✔ )
10. All her furnitures have been sold. ( ❌ )
All her furniture has been sold. ( ✔ )
11. I have many works to do. ( ❌ )
I have a much work to do. ( ✔ )
12. The machineries are not functioning
properly. ( ❌ )
The machinery is not functioning
properly. ( ✔ )
( 2. ) advice, mischief, abuse, alphabet—
ဒီ စကားလံုး ( ၄ ) ခုက အနည္းကိန္း ျဖစ္ပါတယ္။ ဒီ နာမ္ေတြကို အမ်ားကိန္း ေျပာင္းခ်င္ရင္ (-s,-es,-ies ) မေပါင္းရပါဘူး။
အမ်ားကိန္း ေျပာင္းနည္း:-
> advice ↔ pieces of advice
> mischief ↔ acts of mischief
> abuse ↔ words of abuse
> alphabet ↔ letters of the alphabet. လို႔ ေျပာင္းရပါတယ္။
1. The teacher gave us many advice. (❌)
The teacher gave us many pieces of
advice. (✔)
2. Chaw Su did many mischiefs. ( ❌ )
Chaw Su did many acts of mischief. (✔)
3. The boy were shouting abuses. ( ❌ )
The boy were shouting words of abuse. (✔ )
4. I have learnt the alphabets. (❌ )
I have learnt the letters of the alphabets. ( ✔ )
( 3 ) dozen, mile, year, foot —
ဒီ နာမ္ေတြကို numeral ( ကိန္းဂဏန္း) တခုခုရဲ႕ ေနာက္မွာ အသံုးျပဳ ခ်င္ရင္ အျမဲတမ္း singular form (အနည္းကိန္း) အျဖစ္ အသံုးျပဳ ရပါတယ္။
1. We bought two dozens pencils. ( ❌ )
We bought two dozen pencils. ( ✔ )
2. He ran in a four miles race. ( ❌ )
He ran in a four mile race. ( ✔ )
3. Nway is a 24 years old girl. ( ❌ )
Nway is a 24 year old girl. ( ✔ )
4. It's a three feet-rule. ( ❌ )
It's a three-foot rule. ( ✔ )
( 4 ) vegetables, spectacles, trousers,
people, orders, repairs, scissors—
ဒီ နာမ္ေတြကိုေတာ့ အျမဲ plural form ( အမ်ားကိန္း)
အျဖစ္ပဲ အသံုးျပဳ ရပါတယ္။ အနည္းကိန္း အျဖစ္ မသံုးရ။
1. I had gone to buy vegetable. ( ❌ )
I had gone to buy vegetables. ( ✔ )
2. The road is closed for repair. ( ❌ )
The road is closed for repairs. ( ✔ )
3. The judge passed order for his release.
( ❌ )
The judge passed orders for his release.
( ✔ )
4. Very few peoples are hard working. (❌)
Very few people are hard working. (✔)
5. His spectacle is very expensive. ( ❌ )
His spectacles are very expensive. (✔)
6. Your trouser is not loose. ( ❌ )
Your trousers are not loose. ( ✔ )
7. The scissor is very blunt. ( ❌ )
The scissors are very blunt. ( ✔ )
( 5. ) fish, sheep, deer, cattle —
ဒီ နာမ္ေတြကေတာ့ ထူးထူးျခားျခားပဲ... အမ်ားစု သိၾကမယ္လို႔လည္း ထင္ပါတယ္။ ဒီ နာမ္ေတြက အနည္းကိန္း နဲ႔ အမ်ားကိန္း ပံုစံ တူတူပါပဲ။ ဒါေပမယ့္ အမ်ားကိန္း ပံုစံနဲ႔ ေရးရင္
( many, much, more ) နဲ႔ အတူ သံုးရပါတယ္။
1. The fisherman catches many fishes in
the pond. ( ❌ )
The fisherman catches many fish in the
pond. ( ✔ )
2. I saw many sheeps and deers in the
jungle. ( ❌ )
I saw many sheep and deer in the
jungle. ( ✔ )
3. The cattles are returning to the village.
( ❌ )
The cattle is returning to the village.
( ✔ )
( 6 ) Gentry- အထက္တန္းလႊာ၊ အထက္တန္း လူတန္းစား။
ဒီ နာမ္ကို အနည္းကိန္း အျဖစ္ အသံုးမျပဳ ရပါဘူး။
တစ္ဦး၊ တစ္ေယာက္ကိုပဲ ရည္ညႊန္း ေျပာဆိုတာ မဟုတ္လို႔
အျမဲတမ္း အမ်ားကိန္း ပံုစံ ပဲ သံုးရပါတယ္။
1. The gentry of the town has been invited.
( ❌ )
The gentry of the town have been
invited. ( ✔ )
With best wishes.
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