Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Possessive Case

🌿 Possessive Case 🌿

*Possessive is used to show possession.

ျမန္​မာဘာသာျဖင္​့ "၏" ဆ​ံုး​ေသာ နာမ္​ပုဒ္​၊ နာမ္​စားပုဒ္​မ်ားကို possessive case (သာမိကာရက) လို႔ ​ေခၚပါတယ္​။
တစ္​နည္​းအားျဖင္​့ ပိုင္​ဆိုင္​မႈကို ​ေဖာ္​ျပရန္​ အသံုးျပဳရပါတယ္​။

1. We use the possessive ('s of s') form of nouns that name people and most animals.
-သက္​႐ွိနာမ္​ပုဒ္​ (ဝါ) လူႏွင္​့တိရစၧာန္​ကို ​ေဖာ္​ျပ​ေသာ နာမ္​ပုဒ္​​ေနာက္​တြင္​ ('s, or s') ကို အသံုးျပဳရပါတယ္​။

A. If the plural ends in (s) we just add an apostrophe (-').
s" ျဖင္​့ဆံုး​ေသာ ဗဟုဝုစ္​ကိန္​း နာမ္​ပုဒ္​မ်ား​ေနာက္​တြင္​ apostrophe (-') သာ ဆက္​​ေပးရပါတယ္​။ ( s မဆက္​ရ။)

- the boys' house.
- the girls' hats.
- the dogs' tails.

B. The possessive of singular nouns is made by putting an apostrophe s ('s) after the noun that stands for the possessor.
- s ျဖင္​့ မဆံုး​ေသာ ဧကဝုစ္​ကိန္​း နာမ္​​​ေနာက္​မွာ apostrophe s ('s) ဆက္​​ေပးရပါတယ္​။

- Mary's cat
- Philip's car
- the dog's tail

C. If the plural does not end in ( s ) we add ( 's ).
- s ျဖင္​့ မဆံုး​ေသာ ဗဟုဝုစ္​ကိန္​း နာမ္​ပုဒ္​တြင္​ ( 's ) ဆက္​​ေပးရပါတယ္​။

- the men's house
- children's books
- the women's car

2. Possessive form is not generally used for nouns that name things. But, we use 'of' instead of an apostrophe.
- သက္​မဲ့အရာဝတၳဳနဲ႔အတူ apostrophe ပံုစံကို အသံုးျပဳလို႔ မရပါဘူး။ of ကို အသံုးျပဳရပါတယ္​။

- the color of the book
- the roof of the house

Not, as the book's color; the house's roof

We use an apostrophe with nouns that show:
(a) time,
(b) place,
(c) weight, even if they don't name for people and animals.
- သက္​႐ွိနာမ္​ မဟုတ္​​ေသာ္​လည္​း
(က) အခ်ိန္​ကာလ
(ခ ) ​ေနရာ
( ဂ ) အ​ေလးခ်ိန္ကိ​ု ​ေဖာ္​ျပတ့ဲ နာပုဒ္​​ေနာက္​မွာ ( 's) ဆက္​​ေပးရပါတယ္​။

- A day's march
- A week's holiday
- A month's visit
- A stone's weight
- A ton's weight
- Myanmar's Water Festival
- Yangon's Water Festival

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